Sport Dirigit is a service company created and directed by teachers and professionals who are active in the field of education and is dedicated to the organization and management of all types of activities related to children.
Our main clients are Town Halls, Schools, Parent-Teachers Associations and families who are looking for personalised solutions for its leisure projects.

We offer, among other things, handling of receipts, acquiring and hiring personnel, managing groups and a personal coordinator which allows a direct and fluid communication with us by means of different channels. 

We work in the educational and leisure areas and for this reason we create all our activities keeping in mind the personal development of our participants in an educational, formative and socializing manner.

Sport Dirigit is moved by the eagerness to be able to offer the best quality service and realistic and fair prices without forgetting the enormous responsibility involved when working with children.

We have and we operate under an ethical code. We believe that the people who form part of our team are the driving force of the firm and it is for this reason that we have a team of professionals previously trained and legally contracted within the collective labour agreement contract for leisure activities.

Codi Ètic

SPORT DIRIGIT basa i fonamenta tota la seva metodologia en un codi ètic.

Instal·lacions de D&D Servicios, actual gestora de Sport Dirigit en Sabadell